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Unfurling... like a bird finding its wings into freedom

There’s something I want to bring into the open today. Let us have this conversation – because conversations about what is hidden, what seems ‘wrong’ or shameful, is where our healing happens. In talking about our hurt, our pain, our doubts, we are opening the door for RELIEF to settle into our spirits and our bones. So: let’s talk about what a Spiritual Awakening feels like (note: continues in Part 2 “How you can navigate the pain of doubt and isolation on your journey of spiritual awakening”.)

The Journey Of Awakening is magic. And – there are moments when it hurts.

When we feel all alone on our journey.
When the people around us don’t seem to get it.
When we doubt the very experiences that set our soul on fire with passion and joy.
When we feel deeply abandoned, an abandonement made all the more painful in contrast to the overwhelming love we felt just days before.
When we don’t seem to ‘get’ it.
When we’re seemingly the only one whose life doesn’t become rainbows and unicorns ever after…

So I wrote you a letter. From my Soul to Yours. With love.

Unfurling... like a bird finding its wings into freedom

Dear Awakening Soul,
Your Pain Is Real.

And underneath the glimpses of magic, of sparkles and beauty
that has the power
To take your breath away,
in one fell swoop, utter awe and immense gratitude,
There is, too,
The nagging suspicion that you are going insane.

Why else would no one
Seem to notice
The crazy coincidences,

The utter amazement,
Of hearing a loving, tender voice
Urge you forward on your path,
Against all logic,
Against all reason,
Against everything you have been taught
To worship
To consider unnegotiable
In its importance,
In its RIGHTness?

Teachers. Textbooks. HIS-tory.
The utter REALNESS
Of black and white,
Of numbers on white paper,
Or the smell of dusty ancient texts,
Telling you
That this is so,
This is the world
And life needs to be lived a certain way
If you are to come out of this
Well not exactly alive
But relatively unscathed
Relatively unhappy
But then that’s the way things are
No arguing please.
We know best,
And don’t you start
With your finger pointed towards the rainbow
There is no pot of gold
So stop wasting (y)our time
And get in line.

Why else
Would your best friend
Look at you worriedly
As you stammer and stare
Unsure how to convey
The utter amazingness
That you have tapped in to
When it really defies words
And needs to be lived
Before you can look at each other
With love in your eyes
And utter knowing
That you, too, have seen beyond the veil.

The pain, my friend,
Is real.

So, the truth is,
You are not going insane
You are simply
Tapping into
A new dance with life
Where the veils grow thinner
And the wisdom
Of ancient times
The beyond
Lies wide open for you
To peruse
To browse
To savour, one delicious discovery at a time
And linger over
As you would
The most precious gift
Most gorgeous meal
Made with love
By your soul
For you to unravel
And finally
Feel yourself coming home
Rising up in your fullness
And smile towards the world

​+   +   +

How have you been experiencing this journey of awakening? Where does doubt come up for you, and how does it affect you in moving forward in your life? What do you tell yourself in those moments where you feel awkward and isolated, your experience of the world suddenly so seemingly different from that of your loved ones? 

Please leave a comment so we can hear your thoughts and experiences in this conversation!

Are you new to this Path? I created this specifically for you!

Deepen Into Your Intuition mini-course

A 5-day mini-course into your own inner wisdom.
+ how to move past your fears
+ how your intuition speaks to you
+ how to use your intuition to guide your path

At just €47, this is super affordable as well as highly enjoyable! Get started today, here.

Join the FierceLove Collective! Leave your email address & I’ll send exclusive writings straight to your inbox.

CLICK THROUGH TO READ: A letter to awakening women. From Deepening Into Intuition. With fierce love, Kath - kathleensaelens.com


Click to read Part Two: How to deal with the pain of doubt & isolation on your journey of spiritual awakening

I’ve written a guide for you specifically about how you can navigate the pain of doubt and isolation on your journey of spiritual awakening. May it serve as a loving reminder to yourself on those days when hurt, pain, and a feeling of being all alone in this experience threaten to overwhelm you . . .

I hope it will spark something powerful within you. Relief. A sense of being FINE, RIGHT where you are, even if it feels somewhat messy.

Click here to read Part Two.

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Would you love to receive some personalized support and guidance on your journey? I work with a small roster of private clients. If you’d like to explore if my mentoring would be the right next step for you, please click here, and we’ll set up a complimentary call. I look forward to connecting!