Deep down inside
You know it.
You're taking the easy way out.
The way that leads to sameness
following the masses
never fully choosing
always feeling
the warm breath
of something more
against your back
but never turning around
for fear that it will blaze
and scorch
until nothing is left of you
but the true diamond core
and losing yourself that way
all those layers
even knowing, suspecting
that they are not what really truly matters
that scares you more
than living a life of sameness
and following the masses
and never really truly
stepping onto the path
that will take you from there
to here. To you.
So what do you choose?
To be safe
or to be sorry
when you're old and grey
that you are going to die
with your song still inside you
and yearning for the days
when you felt the warm breath of potentiality
against your back
and knowing
you had a choice.
First published January 4 2016 (on Facebook). Copyright Kathleen Saelens.