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The Sovereign Sessions 006 Guest - Julie Parker

Listen to Episode #006

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To be able to hold space for others, you have to do the inner work first. Today’s guest, Julie Parker, author of the upcoming book ‘Priestess’ started exploring the world of the Ancient Priestesses as a way to satisfy her own curiosity. As a modern-day Priestess, and cofounder of The Priestess Temple School, Julie has a beautiful understanding of what it means to walk the Priestess Path. In this rich and deep conversation, Julie and Kathleen Sylvia explore the Cosmology of the Priestess, how the Past can inform the Present, what place Social Justice has in the work of the Priestess, and what it looks like to embody Sacred Leadership as She.

In this episode we explore:

  • How Julie experiences She, the Priestess in her entirety
  • The Priestess as a Sacred Spiritual Leader
  • The Spiritual Warrior & why that is such a firm stance for Julie
  • How Julie’s fascination with the world of the Ancient Priestess culminated in her upcoming book, Priestess – Ancient Spiritual Wisdom For Modern Sacred Women
  • The gifts that come from exploring the world of the Ancient Priestess
  • A stunning testimony about Julie’s experience with the Dark Goddess
  • Becoming a Magnificent Spaceholder
  • The number 1 thing to know when you step onto the Priestess Path
  • The big dream with the book (so beautiful)

Links: Julie Parker

Show Notes


  • It’s about a much wider perspective on how we can lead for the benefit of all rather than just potentially for our own gain… it’s about thinking about Legacy.
  • The thing that makes a Sacred Leader, the thing that makes a Priestess, is about the heart and the soul and the essence that they put into that leadership.

About Julie

Julie Parker is the Founder of The Beautiful You Coaching Academy where she passionately trains and supports heart centered people to become life coaches. The Editor in Chief of inspired COACH Magazine, a published author and in demand speaker, Julie has inspired thousands of people on stages all over the world, and is the recipient of numerous leadership and women’s business awards.

Julie is also the Co-Founder of Priestess Temple School and host of the top ranking Priestess Podcast. A modern day priestess with a focus on her Celtic, Balkan, Iberian and Greek lineage, Julie is committed to contributing to a world where qualities of intuition, presence, social justice and service are honoured. Julie lives in Melbourne with her husband, stepdaughter and two much loved adopted cats.

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Click Through To Listen To The Podcast Episode: A Conversation with Julie Parker (Beautiful You Coaching Academy & Priestess Temple School) about the role of the Priestess in today's world. Exploring the Cosmology of the Priestess, Social Justice, the Dark Goddess, and lots more! Enjoy! Kx.