Hey Beautiful!
A little bit of a different conversation today. I was talking to a friend and she mentioned how she’s spent so much money on courses – that she didn’t even ultimately finish.
And I was like, yeah, I know what you mean. I think I’ve done like, every course out there, except maybe B-School. And just thinking about the money that totals into? It’s easily tens of thousands of dollars. But here’s the thing:
I will never shame myself for my own desire to learn.
It’s just part of my personality. And the fact that I’m a Gemini: easily bored, always looking for the next little adventure to be had. Interested in squeezing every last drop of juice out of life. I’m constantly reading, constantly learning, constantly stretching myself into new territories.
So that may be a fun thing to just think about for a minute: maybe you’re a course addict simply because you love learning. Or the thrill of new things. Doesn’t it feel a whole lot lighter when you’re not carrying around all that shame about your neverending love for courses?
I’ve also learned to look at the shadow lurking just beneath the excitement for a new course.
And it mostly comes down to this: what is the expectation you have of this course?
Ah. That’s where most of us go into shadow. Because, if you’re really truly honest with yourself (go on. it’s just you and me and these words): you’ll see that there’s a really heavy burden that you’re putting onto this course.
And one of the ways you’ll see yourself do this, is this: the course starts. all is well. then, as any good student, you’re like, okay. doing all the tasks. A+ student here! which soon morphs into “I’m doing this. Doing all the tasks. Has it worked?….. Where’s my results?! I don’t freaking see any results?!!! F It. I’m done. This sucks.” By that time, your smartypants brain has already locked onto a new and shiny thing (that’s why we affectionately call this, shiny object syndrom). And off we go! Hopes up. Excitement up. Until this, too, leaves us feeling deflated, a little more broke, a little more bruised in self-confidence, a little more doubtful, and with an added burden of more guilt and shame.
Do not fear, help is here!
(as one of my favourite colleagues back in corporate used to cheerfully say!)
Next time you feel drawn to the idea of a course, ask yourself this one question:
what need (hole/wound) are you projecting onto the person holding the container?
Ooooohhhhhh… this one HURTS like hell to ask ourselves. But it is so valuable. Because when you can step into the container with absolute clarity and precision around why + what you expect to receive in return —- that means you can fully enjoy the experience. You can take full responsibility for the joy and the teachings you take away from the course. And you no longer have the massive expectation that “this course will bring me the answer… this course will solve all my problems. This course will save me!”
No course can save you. No teacher can save you. Only you can. Bravely, courageously, with the new insights and teachings the course will bring.
Ever since I really locked onto this Projection Behaviour (trust me, I had it bad!) I am so much more relaxed going into courses. I love myself for wanting to just so eagerly soak up everything about life. I love the teachers and instructors for sharing their own experience and knowledge. And I don’t get hung up on any course being ‘THE’ answer. It’s just all a beautiful weaving into the most gorgeous tapestry – my life.
This is important for courses, but equally so for mentoring.
I signed up with my first one-on-one coach very early on in my coaching career, and I haven’t looked back since. I love the dynamics of working with a mentor. I love the incredible shifts that can happen when you’ve got someone seeing all of your shadows, someone who knows how to talk back at your saboteur and ultimately gets you moving forward beyond what you could imagine. This is the real magic of a mentor:
▼ As humans, we love to feel seen and heard and encouraged into our big visions… those the people around us don’t necessarily see, those that burn in our hearts and souls.
▼ And, a mentor allows us to collapse time. If I have 2 books almost ready for publication, 6 beautiful freebies serving people from around the world around the clock, and a few well-loved courses that are available for my soulmate clients to step into 24/7 – it’s because my Inner Creatrix is a badass (and I love and apppreciate her so much. even if our journey together had its challenges! #perfectionism) And, it’s because of the people who have had my back, holding my Big World-Changing Visions when I was consumed by doubt and fear, challenging my Inner Saboteur, and Boosting my Inner Warrior at exactly the right times.
So. Could you use a little boost of your own?
If you feel pulled towards my presence and work, and you’re ready to:
▼ ditch any self-sabotaging behaviour (forever)
▼ be called up to your highest potential
▼ get full clarity on your unique medicine & gifts
▼ train into the Alchemical Arts (energy + shadow alchemy)
▼ simultaneously build your online sacred business if that calls you
▼ finetune your wealth consciousness into exquisite receiving
▼ find deep joy, ecstatic rapture, and have such a good time doing all of this
then this is the time to say yes to yourself. What we’ll create together in the next 6 months is going to blow your mind. Are you willing to finally, actually, go for what you want? To take full responsibility, for creating your life, your way?
>>>> I’m here. For and With you ♥
Your next step is to book a call so we can explore exactly what you’re longing to create… and I’ll honestly tell you, if we’re a match or not. Because, #truth.

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It’s my honour and delight to support you on your journey! Feel free to reach out and connect to learn more about how I can serve you via private mentorship programmes, activations and intensives.